I hate warlocks

The rant begins …

What is a warlock? Some man in black dude with glowing eyes and has this uncanny ability to never get hurt, has unlimited magic and a nasty snarl, not to mention, the English accent. The male equivalent of a witch in Scots was known to be a warlock but this term is passe now. Warlocks tend to be associated with wizards, wtf? Waerloga is Old English for oathbreaker or deceiver. Now waerloga is more like it! The Old Norse is more akin to my liking. The manner in which Hollywood ruins great ideas/characters/stories/myths is a mystery to me. I know, big $$ drives the production companies, but just take a look at the recent output of fantasy movies. Where are they? We have Beauty and the Beast coming up. Cinderella a couple of years before was um, dull. With a name like Warlock, you want something badass but not immortal, you got to bleed, man.

Now let’s not get into that awful movie The Beautiful Creatures (2013) – that will get me going! Casters!!! What the… are you afraid of the word Witch?

Anyway warlocks suck. Maybe it should mean a male crazy hermit who is driven by his multiple personality disorder by lusting on war…